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Předłoha:Infokašćik dźěłowy system

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Infokašćik dźěłowy system
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Tuta předłoha wutwori infokašćik wo dźěłowym systemje.


{{Infokašćik dźěłowy system
| Mjeno             = 
| Logo              = 
| Foto wobrazowki   = 
| Wopis fota wobrazowki = 
| Wuwiwar           = 
| Rěč               = 
| Wudawanski datum  =
| Wersija           = 
| Datum             = 
| TestowaWersija    =
| TestowaWersijaDatum =
| Žórło             = 
| Rodoštom          = 
| Jadro             = 
| Chronika          = 
| Architektury      = 
| Licenca           = 
| Dalše             = 
| Websydło          = 
| Kompatibelnosć    = 



Logo pismowy rys Android
Bazowe daty
Wuwiwar Open Handset Alliance
Rěče wjacerěčny (přez 68 rěčow)
Wudawanski datum 19. januara 2025[1]
Aktualna wersija 5.1 (Lollipop)
Pochad Linux --> Android
Jadro monolitiske (Linux)
Chronika Hlej lisćinu wersijow
Architektury ARM, MIPS, PPC, x86
Licenca Apache 2.0, GPLv2[2]
Websydło www.android.com a za wuwiwarjow developer.android.com
p  d  w
{{Infokašćik dźěłowy system
| Mjeno             = Android
| Logo              = [[Dataja:Android robot.svg|50px|Logo]] [[Dataja:Android Logo (2014).svg|200px|pismowy rys Android]]
| Screenshot        =
| Wopis screenshota = Startowa wobrazowka w Androidźe 5.0 (Lollipop)
| Wuwiwar           = [[Open Handset Alliance]]
| Rěč               = wjacerěčny (přez 68 rěčow)
| Wudawanski datum  = {{Datum|9|3|2015}}<ref>{{cite web|url=http://officialandroid.blogspot.de/2015/03/android-51-unwrapping-new-lollipop.html|title=Android 5.1: Unwrapping a new Lollipop update|accessdate=2015-03-09|date=2015-03-09}}</ref>
| Wersija           = 5.1 ''(Lollipop)''
| Datum             = 
| TestowaWersija    =
| TestowaWersijaDatum =
| Žórło             = 
| Rodoštom          = [[Linux (Kernel)|Linux]] --> Android
| Jadro             = [[Monolitiske jadro|monolitiske]] ([[Linux (Kernel)|Linux]])
| Chronika          = Hlej [[Lisćina Androidowych wersijow|lisćinu wersijow]]
| Architektury      = [[ARM-Architektur|ARM]], [[MIPS-Architektur|MIPS]], [[PowerPC|PPC]], [[X86-Prozessor|x86]]
| Licenca           =  [[Apache-Lizenz|Apache]] 2.0, [[GNU General Public License|GPLv]]2<ref name="Lizenz">{{cite web|url=http://source.android.com/source/licenses.html|title=Licenses|work=Licenses|publisher=Open Handset Alliance|accessdate=2012-09-09|date=|quote=''The preferred license for the Android Open Source Project is the Apache Software License, 2.0. [...] Why Apache Software License? [...] For userspace (that is, non-kernel) software, we do in fact prefer ASL2.0 (and similar licenses like BSD, MIT, etc.) over other licenses such as LGPL. Android is about freedom and choice. The purpose of Android is promote openness in the mobile world, but we don't believe it's possible to predict or dictate all the uses to which people will want to put our software. So, while we encourage everyone to make devices that are open and modifiable, we don't believe it is our place to force them to do so. Using LGPL libraries would often force them to do so.''|language=englisch}}</ref>
| Dalše             = 
| Websydło   = [http://www.android.com/ www.android.com] a za wuwiwarjow [http://developer.android.com/ developer.android.com]
| Kompatibelnosć    = 
  1. Android 5.1: Unwrapping a new Lollipop update. 9. měrca 2015. Wotwołane dnja 9. měrca 2015.
  2. Licenses (englisch) W: Licenses. Open Handset Alliance. Wotwołane dnja 9. septembra 2012: „The preferred license for the Android Open Source Project is the Apache Software License, 2.0. [...] Why Apache Software License? [...] For userspace (that is, non-kernel) software, we do in fact prefer ASL2.0 (and similar licenses like BSD, MIT, etc.) over other licenses such as LGPL. Android is about freedom and choice. The purpose of Android is promote openness in the mobile world, but we don't believe it's possible to predict or dictate all the uses to which people will want to put our software. So, while we encourage everyone to make devices that are open and modifiable, we don't believe it is our place to force them to do so. Using LGPL libraries would often force them to do so.

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