Maureen Tucker

Maureen Tucker (* 26. awgusta 1944) je US-ameriska rockowa hudźbnica, kotraž běše mjez 1965 a 1972 bubonarka skupiny The Velvet Underground.
[wobdźěłać | žórłowy tekst wobdźěłać]- Playin' Possum (1981)
- Another View (1985)
- Moejadkatebarry (1987)
- Life in Exile After Abdication (1989)
- I Spent a Week There the Other Night (1991)
- Oh No, They're Recording This Show (1992)
- Dogs Under Stress (1994)
- GRL-GRUP (1997)
- Moe Rocks Terrastock (2002)
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[wobdźěłać | žórłowy tekst wobdźěłać]