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Wužiwar:Tanvir Rahat

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Z Wikipedije, swobodneje encyklopedije

কি চমৎকার একটি সম্পর্ক- আমরা আল্লাহ্ তা'আলা কে স্মরণ করলে ;

তিনিও আমাদের স্মরণ করেন।।

[What a wonderful relationship - if we remember Allah Ta'ala ;

He also remembers us....]

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S M Tanvir Rahat

About me

S M Tanvir Hossain, also known as Rahat is a Bangladeshi born in Kurigram district, Rangpur Division. He graduated in Science from Dhaka College.

My work

He Passionate about knowledge and sharing. Rahat actively contributes to Wikipedia through article competitions and photography for Wikimedia projects. When not engrossed in the digital world, he enjoys reading and building a personal book collection.

Contact me

Die Zeit dieses Benutzers ist jetzt: 2025-01-04 05:27 UTC+6

This user is a member of Project Korikath.
Z Wikipedije, swobodneje encyklopedije